Meth in the Midwest - (2003-12-02, 10:30 a.m.)

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Not sure what's gotten into me lately, but I've been on a designing frenzy. I have christmas fever, probably because we don't have our decorations up yet. Who knows.

I thought I had a bad of my girlfriends at work beat me and really put things into perspective. I guess her brother is hooked on meth big time, and had started a meth lab in their family shop. Not such good stuff.

Meth is huge up in the Midwest, especially around here because there are areas where there are no people. When you're talking about a population density that's 1.7 people per square mile or less sometimes out in the Western part of the state of ND, that's leaving a lot of territory to get in trouble with. Most of the land out there is ranching land anyhow, and the trooper resources are limited.

They're busting meth labs about once a week it seems.

So yes, getting a rock/ice chunk/whatever dropped on my truck *is* a big deal, but perhaps I should be a bit more thankful that something worse didn't happen.

But it still sucks.

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