THUNK! - (2003-11-30, 9:42 a.m.)

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What a night last night. I haven't been that scared in a long time!!!

We were out for a couple of drinks with Hubby's friends from high school that I've gotten to know also over the years--a pretty important deal as they don't have the opportunity to come home all that often being spread out over the USA like most of us do when we grow up.

Nice evening, very casual, a couple of beers, and I'm starting to get tired. We decide to go home.

As we're almost exiting interstate, the last underpass that we go under, we hear this great big thunk on the top of the roof of our truck. Someone had dropped a rock/piece of ice/chunk of something on us.

Hubby turned around and went back along a side road, and here are these two little kids that were over playing on a snowbank. They said (of course) that it wasn't them and that they had seen two other kids riding bikes away from the bridge.

They were pretty freaked, first Hubby is running after them and then about 30 seconds later a woman (me) who is extremely pissed drives up, puts her brights on them and gets out of the vehicle and is talking on the phone to the cops giving them their description.

The officer arrived there in less than a minute after I got out of the truck and started asking them what the hell happened--Hubby kept telling me "just get back in the truck" as if I didn't have a right to be out there. I was royally pissed because we were just minding our own business driving home and someone dropped something on us that could have just as well gone through the windsheild and resulted in both of us being killed!!!

I haven't been that angry or scared in a long time. The officer was going to pull the security tapes from the tech college that was right there so that he could find out if those kids were doing what they said that they were doing rather than dropping shit on our car (oh and by the way, Where the F*(& were their parents, it was midnight!)

At least Dad said that we should be able to get the whole thing fixed in about four hours...there are some big dents where the gouges are and it's like the rock or whatever it was bounced, so there's about five scrapes on the top of the truck.

Thank goodness I'm blessed enough to not have had something worse happen, and thank goodness even more that we have the facilities to fix this shit ourselves rather than pay to have it done. I didn't really want to make an insurance claim because then that just raises our insurance rate anyhow.

I sincerely hope that your Saturday night was better than ours. I'm still just freaked out over all this...

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