Lump - (2003-11-04, 5:04 p.m.)

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Ugh, I think I broke my brain again. Why isn't it working right? I'm trying to correct all my typos, but I'm not making any guarantees.

I was at work today and several times I found myself just sitting there like a lump, staring at the computer screen, trying to comprehend the things that I have looked at for the past few years and they just weren't adding up in my brain. I hate it when that happens.

Generally it's only when I forget to take my medication, but not this time. It's like depression is just sneaking in under the cracks of the door and through the air leaks in my house of brain. God, that doesn't even make any sense but I don't know how else to say it!

It's been snowing here, and the dogs and cats have all piled in bed with us again. Such a bunch of snugglers. When I came home today Simon wanted to crawl under the blankets with me and he just purred away laying against my stomach. He's such a cutie!

I'm going to retreat to the couch and continue my lumpness.

God I hope this isn't a start of the problems again last spring!!!!

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