Just the average day - (2003-09-02, 2:53 p.m.)

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Well, the paintball website is coming along well. Hubby and I spent some

time working on it this weekend. He's getting the hang of graphics and css,

so I guess I'm doing my job in teaching him.

Mollie and

href="http://surfgeek.diaryland.com">Greg had baby Alex!

Congratulations you two, he's adorable, and a perfect addition to your


Gosh, what else is going on?

I finished another baby blanket for a girlfriend at work that's 7 months

pregnant. I used a new kind of yarn--Caron Dazzleaire. I've fallen in love

with it because it's so incredibly soft! I just wish that it came in more

colors as I would love to make a blanket for the bedroom or the living room

out of it, but there's just not a whole lot of selection. I worked some

more on Hubby's blanket for Christmas, and then started another baby blanket

for her bun in the oven.

Something about making baby blankets is just more soothing than regular

blankets. Perhaps it's because I'm thinking about the child when I'm making

it, but I feel like there's a lot of love that goes into each stitch.

Corny, yes--but I feel like it's true. Perhaps when I get all caught up

with the projects that I want to do (hah!) I will make and donate some baby

blankets to the local NICU at one of the hospitals around here or something.

I need something more fall-like for a design. I'll have to go have a look


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