HOT! - (2003-08-18, 5:05 p.m.)

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Holy crap is it hot out here. It's like 100 degrees F and humid as hades. Us Minnesotans aren't used to that heat! My poor flowers are just...well, they're not doing all that well. I think I killed some of them. Whoopsie!

This morning I had to work at 5:30 AM and it was 75 degrees F out already. Ugh. My poor air conditioner was working overtime all day I'm sure.

The highway department FINALLY decided that they need to patch the patches that they've already patched in front of our house. There must have been nine inch dips in that patch from last year, so rather than actually do something about the problem, they just patch over the fifteen or so freaking patches that they've already put on there. Must have been miserable for those highway workers today. But then again, I just want them to fix the darn highway in the first place. They haven't done any major repairs since I've lived here (and that's been almost 28 years, thankyouverymuch).

I'm going to go eat some supper.

God, I hope it cools off soon.

Oh, and BTW, if you want to see the new website that I'm putting together for Hubby's paintball team, email me and I'll send you the address. It's turning out really cute!

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