Way to Busy to stop and wonder... - (2003-07-23, 6:13 p.m.)

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Holy crap things have been busy around here. I finally have a chance to get caught up somehow, I have tomorrow off. Thinking about staying up a little later than normal tonight and sleeping in tomorrow will feel great!

I haven't had a chance to keep up with diaryland even, and that's something that I've done so regularly for the last two years or so that I really have gotten to miss it. Hopefully tonight I'll get some time to play catch up.

Not much new news to report--Calvin went to the vet today and I guess everything turned out okay as Hubby didn't leave me any messages in regards to whether or not he has worms or anything, so who knows.

Nobody is home here, and the house is quiet. Perhaps time for a mid-evening nap? Oh how decadent that would be! I've been so busy running around trying to get way to much stuff accomplished that it's just been a little bit nuts.

I have a couple of custom requests that I need to get done, but I just haven't had the time. I hate that.

Anyone got any cute ideas for an ice cream design? I do, I just don't have the time to sit down and DO IT!

Until next time...

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