Blahness - (2003-07-10, 9:38 p.m.)

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I finally finished my SIL's afghan. It's beautiful! I'm really happy with how it came out. Now to cut all the lose threads and wash it, then package it and ship it out to her. They just moved out to Las Vegas, so I have no idea where in the world they're at (probably billeting until they find a house to rent/buy).

So Jen and I have discussed an afghan trade. I make one for her, she makes one for me. I'm looking forward to that! Should be really fun. :)

Other than that, I've been okay. I'm a pretty angry person, but that's for things that I can't control, so I just try not to think about it. Not the healthiest approach to things, but eh, whatcha gonna do?

This weekend we have some relaxing things planned--going for a bike ride around the lakes with Joe and Kristi on the Harleys, taking the dogs swimming, and just trying to relax. I'll do some laundry, but the house is still pretty clean from the last floor-to-ceiling that I gave it on Sunday.

I've been walking in the evenings with my Mom and the dogs, it's good exercise and I enjoy watching my two babies play in the puddles. We've gotten so much rain.

This entry is kind of blah, but I'm tired and should go to bed soon.

Just remember what I said in my last private entry. LMFAO. All that I can say is that it's working.

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