Interview by Vanillakitty - (2003-06-24, 12:41 p.m.)

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Interview by Vanillakitty.

What is your favorite candy?

This one is tough...probably ice cream, if that counts as candy. I have a soft spot for ice cream as long as it doesn't have nuts in it. There was one time not to long ago that I ate an entire carton of cherry cheesecake ice cream in about three days. Yeah, I can't get enough of that stuff. That's why I don't generally buy it! It was at her house. She's a bad influence like that.

What is your favorite kind of candle?

I would have to say either English Garden, Lavender or Magnolia. It depends on what room they're in and what the season is. I have mulberry always in the wintertime, and pumpkin pie candles around Thanksgiving. I have lavender in the bedroom as it's supposed to help sleep and stress, both of which I have wayyyy to much of in my life lately. Magnolia is the perfect summer scent, as it's light and the Magnolia blossoms that I smelled when I was down South (or if you're from the South, the "Saath") always reminded me of pink lemonade. If there is a perfume out there that is based on Magnolia, I would love to know what it is. I'm a candle junkie, can you tell?

What is the most embarassing thing you did in college/high school?

I'm not sure where to begin on this one. When I was in high school I wasn't feeling well and ended up throwing up all over in the hallway. The only thing that I could think of to say was "oops" and I was greeted by this asshole that was in a couple of my classes by "oops...blah!!!" for the rest of the year. When I did throw up, I was on my way to the school nurse, not that it made much difference to him.

What is the weirdest thing that you've done to your hair?

I had fire engine red hair when I was a freshman in college. I also had a big green streak, but not at the same time. My parents of course were horrified, but I thought that I should get it out of my system before I needed to enter the world of the fulltime employee. Everyone turned around and looked at me when I would enter the college cafeteria for a couple of weeks. It's the MidWest, we're pretty conservative in general. I liked it though. :) I still do bright red streaks in my hair when I can afford to, a la Matrix Redlights.

Who loves ya?

Well, after being so verbally naked, so to speak, a couple of entries ago and being brutally honest with the situation regarding my health and what might happen, I would have to say a whole lot more people than I would have thought. Of course my family has been there for me as have my close friends, but people that I've never even met before have emailed me with concern and uplifting words. I can't tell you how much better that makes me feel. Special thanks to you and you, even though your emails made me cry (and there was lots of that last night) they help to put things into perspective. I need to email you both back.

I don't really feel like being all "deep" today as I'm very tired, still having the "zings" and am thinking that the couch is calling my name. I'm going to be away from work for another week at least, and I just need to settle down.

I had a nice talk with my Dad this afternoon about what it means to be a perfectionist, as that's one of the things that my psychiatrist thinks that I need to chill out about. He's a wise man, my Dad.

He's like a 50's Jesse James, always building something just amazing only with cars AND bikes, and one of the smartest people that I've ever met. That is a pretty big compliment.

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