Goodbye. - (2003-06-02, 3:23 p.m.)

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Today Mom and Dad are taking their dog in to be put to sleep. It's a sad thing, but it's for the best. He's old, and he's got a lot of medical problems.

Even though I haven't lived with them for many years I'm still going to miss him. He was such a happy guy, and even if he drooled and was a food monger, I have to admit that there was a pretty big soft spot in my heart for him.

My dogs always get so excited when they go over to Parker's house (as dogs see it, I'm sure) to visit and give him kisses and play a little bit. They knew instinctively to be a bit more gentle with him than they were with each other and that it wasn't okay to just plow him over as he's an old duffer.

Even though it's the right thing to do, it still hurts.

So long old pal. We'll meet again in the future, I'm sure.

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