Oh, pretty! - (2003-05-27, 9:04 p.m.)

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Oh, pretty!

This turned out well considering that I changed my ideas about five times in regards to what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to look.

Lavender, gears, who knows.

I change my mind a lot I guess, eh?

I have no idea if the guestbook that I put on here matches or not, as signmyguestbook seems to be having technical problems....I keep getting "Page cannot be displayed" so screw it, I'll look tomorrow.

And with that, I leave you with this, stolen directly from SaveCraig, who is one funny guy.

You know it's time to find a new job if:

Instead of saying good morning to the boss you instead flick him off.

You find more and more ways to spend time in the bathroom away from your desk.

Lunch hour becomes a suggestion, you actually take 30 to 40 minutes longer.

When someone asks you to do something you sigh first and say 'I guess' very loud.

When your phone rings you cringe.

When someone yells out your name you run and hide, then walk by later acting like you never heard them.

You let work sit on your desk for days at a time desperately hoping it will just go away.

You seem to 'lose' important work related emails and blame it on numerous junk mails and viruses.

When there is free breakfast you hurry up and lick as much food as you can when you have a cold.

You base your morning routine on being late. You know what time you have to be at work because you say it to yourself while in the shower 'I should be at work now'.

You call in sick to catch up on the Jerry Springer Show.

Heh. It's appropriate some days. :)

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