More Chipper - (2003-05-20, 6:47 p.m.)

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So I finally got all the insurance B. S. cleaned up today. What a mess!

Someone at my company put my employee number in where my zip code was supposed to go.

*smacks self in forehead repeatedly*



I've been thinking more and more about doing up a new design for here. I have some ideas and no time. Isn't that always the way that it goes? It seems like it lately.

Today I'm going to put my potted houseplants outside and the flowers that I've potted up and get the outside of the house looking even more spiffy. :)

I hopefully will be able to finish planting this weekend and the outside will be bee-youuuu-teee-ful.

So if you're in the neighborhood, stop on by.

There's more news that I would like to share, but it's not my news, it's hers. And she knows what I think about it. Yay! and Hmph! all at once. It's hard to explain.

Needless to say I'm feeling much better now that I have another month's supply of Crack *cough*effexor*cough.

Must go and fill out another online application.


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