Planting Laundry and Cleaning, Oh My! - (2003-05-17, 8:59 p.m.)

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I'm thinking of a new design. Either something having to do with gears with the idea of "grinding my way through my corporate day" or with doors and windows and titled something to the effect of "Slam the door in my face and I'll go through the window."



I've gotten my house 100% clean--and let me tell you it looks pretty great. It rained off and on all afternoon so unfortunately I didn't have any chance to garden. The front yard just needs a little bit more work and the back yard? Um, that's another story entirely. I haven't even started!

I need to clean it out, and then from there I need to rototill and put the annuals in that I bought.

The front yard is going to be so cute! Evergreens, spirea and red/white/blue flowers. How cute is that? I'm going to make up some pots too of red/white/blue as we have a deck in the front now.

Hopefully I'll be able to get most of my laundry done tonight, and then I have to work on my resume and get some cover letters together as well as scan the want ads in tomorrow's paper and reactivate my job service account.

Hmmm...perhaps a new design for the design site is in order as well.

I'll have to see how it goes. :)

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