Barfight! - (2003-05-04, 6:30 p.m.)

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I just had to let you know that I got googled for this! Sorry, I can't help you there. However I get a lot of spam that might be able to be of assistance...?

I've managed to get all the laundry done, get my closet cleaned out, clean the house and wash all the dishes plus get two custom designs done this weekend as well as a good portion of my gardening completed this weekend. I would really love to make a banner for myself, but that may come later tonight depending on how my arms feel from all that rototilling.

I also went to the grocery store and to Wal-Mart and was having a hard time pushing the cart--my arms feel like rubber bands that have been stretched just a bit to far! Hopefully they'll feel better tomorrow.

We went out drinking with some of our local friends last night. Hubby almost got in a fight! I have to admit it was pretty funny...and I was kind of an instigator too.

It all started out when he and I were out on the dance floor and this skinny cocky drunk guy bumps into Hubby. Then he bumps into him again. Hubby turned around and bumped him right back with his chest. This guy's girlfriend got right inbetween them right off, and pushed both of them back just a bit and told her guy that he was being a jerk. Or something like that. I just stood there with big round eyes. 8/

After the song was done and we were walking off the floor, this guy rams into Hubby again...and that was it. Hubby told him to "Get the fuck away from me! Or do you have a problem?" The guy was like "No, you gotta problem." His girlfriend of course dragged him off the floor and back to wherever and I smiled, waved, and gave him the finger. Then waved and smiled and did it again. I thougt it was just funny at this point! So we leave the floor and go back to our table...this guy comes walking up and Hubby just pushes him four times back telling him the same as he did before ("Get the fuck away from me!") The bouncers ended up kicking him out. The guy, not my husband.

It was just all surreal. Our friends had his back, and there were like five guys there, several of them not so small. So that was that. I couldn't tell you why I thought it was funny. But it was fun to get all snarky with that jerk like that. LOL

So that was my weekend. An entertaining one as far as my life generally goes.

Hope yours was as entertaining!

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